Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Buddha @ Sol Cafe

Reader submitted photo (G.E.)

                 By popular demand here again is the Buddha @ Sol Cafe located in Chevanston, Illinois. This is the first official reader submitted photo emailed to If there are any pictures or words you would like to have considered for publishing or if there are any stories you would like to see covered or tips please send them to the above email address.  Two photos were submitted, the one beyond the jumpbreak is in this publisher's opinion the better of the two. But both do an excellent job of portraying the new Buddha on Howard. Note that the new street lights haven't been installed yet, they are still lying on the vacant lot at Ashland and Howard. 

Please continue reading to see the other photo



  1. Thanks for posting my photographer's shots, Jeff. The point of these views was to show the Buddha in the context of their location on much-maligned Howard St.--a place that needs its peaceful presence.

  2. Yes, Howard is looking much better nowadays and the peaceful presence of the Buddha will is a great addition and the good vibes should rub off.


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