Monday, March 4, 2013

Bills Digital Photos' Forecast

               According to this forecast it is possible we are getting up to 10 inches tonight throwing in lake effect snow on top of what the storm is bringing in. Good news for snow homonculi and their aficionados. There is useful information on Twitter! And thanks to Gerald Farinas for the morning L commute information.

              If you haven't checked out Bills Digital Photos site there are a lot of great pictures there. The music that loads up is a bit much though (sappy), yes it is for wedding photos.


  1. OMG I love snow! I'll be dancing on Morse Avenue all night long and making snow peace angels on the sidewalk. Totes excited! <3 LOVE !!!

  2. Isadora, just be careful tonight. The sidewalk is probably not the best place to lie down to made snow angels, and I hear there's a scary guy down there who walks pit bulls.

  3. Thanks for the forecast!
    And thanks Bill for putting Chevanston up on the vaunted Twitter Feed of this morning!


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