Monday, February 18, 2013

Evanston Sunrise On Facebook Buried In Twitter Feed

             Gerald Farinas did post a nice link to the Evanston Sunrise Facebook page on 2/17/13 on his Twitter page which made it onto the Twitter Feed. Give credit where credit is due. The problem with Twitter is a lot of tweets don't look like anything, like the one we are discussing which is quoted below. This tweet is 134 characters, just shy of the maximum 140.
"Gerald Farinas ‏@GeraldFarinas  #Evanston sunrise this morning: . #sundayfunday #rogerspark #chicago

South Evanston Sunrise 2-18-13
Chevanston Photography copyright 2013

Continue reading for analysis and translation of this tweet and further commentary.

Update - 2/18/13 5:15 pm New pictures have just been posted just beyond the jumpbreak.

             Gerald Farinas @ Gerald Farinas is redundant (but that appears to be standard), only three normal words, four hash tagged words, two links, essentially a perfect mess. Not sure what #sundayfunday has to do with anything and when you look at that Twitter page its absolute nonsense. Twitter and tweets overburdened with hashtags, @ symbols and truncated link symbols and pretty soon it looks like nothing. Its easier to run a Twitter account because you really aren't doing much. Couple words, hashtag this or that, @ this or that, link and you are done. And two links, one to the actual Facebook page of the photo and the yfrog webpage. Why two links for the same thing?  It looks like yfrog is a way to put your face on someone else's photo (like Instagram) but on your site, but its not your photo. So what is the point? Follow someone for a photo which isn't theirs?

            It is more interesting and impressive is to tweet a link to your own blog (like Uptown Update does) which actually has your own pictures and story on it. The tweet didn't look like anything worth checking out because the Twitter Feed was already clogged with a lot of his tweets concerning the pope, democrats retaking the house in 2014, local weather, something about marriage equality and about eHarmony's president, and Catholic priests under pressure,  all of which is not Rogers Park news and nothing he actually wrote or contributed to. Ok he did link one article from the Chicago Phoenix which is minority owner of, How To Cleanse Yourself Of Unnecessary Stress. Why is Gerald Farinas overburdening the local Twitter Feed with nine tweets instead of two good ones (One from Chicago Phoenix and one concerning the Evanston Sunrise)? That is selfish and boring.

           Okay let us remake the tweet so it is easier on the eye and informs people what it actually is. One that isn't overburdened with unnecessary hashtags and has the only needed link, the one where the photograph actually originates. This tweet has 109 characters and isn't so concerned about gaining the widest coverage with the hashtags and isn't concerned about building another following on another website for a photo which the tweeter didn't take. This tweet actually makes sense and likely more people would check it out where it was actually tweeted. Twitter Feed reaches alot of people as it is. Let us not be greedy. You could add on #Rogers Park as well with room to spare.

"Gerald Farinas ‏@GeraldFarinas  #Evanston  New Facebook Site Publishes Daily Photo Of Evanston Sunrise: ." 

 This story (Evanston Sunrise) was previously covered by Evanston Patch here.            


  1. With over 12,000 followers and not following anyone, I must scare DNAinfo with my twitter feed.

  2. Wow, thanks Craig.

    Always good to have a balanced view IMHO. Its just constructive criticism. ;)

  3. Goddammit, you autistic er something? Counting twitter characters and lookin' at goddamned trucks passing under bridges all goddammned day? Love the blog over the other piece of shit blog in town but some of these posts are all goddamned rain-man, dude. Sometimes it aint about quantity but quality brotha.

  4. True Stan,

    Breaking News - "Semi Truck Travels Down Rogers Ave And Then Thinks Better Of It"

    Important news that Rogers Park can use.

  5. Holy Shizzles. Counting the number of characters in an unwanted tweet is obsessive-compulsive-disorder times ten. Quick. Call Chuckies for a large thorazine pizza with extra seroquel toppings. An out of work publisher will deliver it by bike while it's still hot. Don't worry Bro. I won't tweet that as a HIPAA violation.

    1. BwhahHa! Apparently there ain't enough real stories in town so JeffO is on a crusade against online etiquette and posting procedure. God dammit that's important. Wasn't he just posting here bout some old broad that kept posting on everyblock even after it closed? Sounds like a goddamned case of two dead horses gettin beat the fuck out of.

  6. You missed the point Gonzo, the tweet doesn't look like anything worth checking out.

    You are focusing on the details and NOT the bigger picture.

  7. Actually I digress. You've got a good blog here Mr. Rogers. I might goddamn this and goddamn that but over all you've got an honest deal happenin' right the hell here. Good frickin' job.

  8. I must give credit where credit's due. You know I have been critical here in the past but I have give you credit for not making false accusations about anyone or posting their photo. You have expressed your opinions and sometimes I didn't agree but you never did what just was done on the other RP blog tonight. Please never start doing that kind of bullying of old ladies and do more local real news.

  9. Ok Patricia.

    It is always fun to have heated discussions, or just regular discussions.

    It is okay to disagree, but its always important to give credit to someone who does right.

    No one is perfect, not even Chevanston Incorporated.


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