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DNAInfo.com Rogers Park Twitter Feed 2/15/13 6:45 pm |
Well now we know that Gerald Farinas' father is out of scanning and he is continuing to bleed. We hope for a speedy recovery but this blogger does not go to DNAinfo.com Rogers Park's Twitter Feed to catch up with local "celebrity" Gerald Farinas and all the minutiae of his life. Ok its official no one is watching the DNAinfo.com Twitter Feed. We already learned yesterday that his father had internal bleeding as seen in the previous screenshot posted late last night. DNAinfo.com Twitter Feed is not the appropriate place to broadcast personal information, isn't that why there is Facebook?. Why is DNAinfo.com allowing this to occur? Retweeting national news does not make someone an important figure or a journalist and even it if did we don't want to know your personal information.
Update #1 Gerald Farinas response 2/16/13 1pm.- Gerald Farinas @GeraldFarinas
"Apparently someone thinks I tweet for #DNAinfo? LMAO!! "
But Gerald Farinas knows that DNAinfo.com carries his tweets. So effectively he is tweeting for DNAinfo.com. Why the broadcasting of personal information? Its inappropriate. Joe Moore doesn't broadcast for DNAinfo.com either, but he knows his tweets make it onto the site as well. So its all arbitrary how you explain it, and its still wrong especially if you know your tweets are making it onto a site where public news is gathered to put that information on there. You should use that opportunity to speak about important issues and not your personal life. And more importantly if DNAinfo.com knows that Gerald Farinas is posting about non important personal information then why are they carrying his tweets?
Update #2 Gerald Farinas 2/16/13 3pm.
Gerald plays coy that DNAinfo.com broadcasts his tweets. He is minority owner of Chicago Phoenix and a media strategist, if he is ignorant of this then what does that say about his knowledge of media?
"Gerald Farinas @GeraldFarinas
So apparently #DNAinfo does broadcast my stuff on its feed. Interesting."
(Of course that is the standard reply, ignorance and denial, he is so famous how would he even know?)
Please keep reading for close up of Twitter Feed and more story.
Typical Rogers Parker checking Twitter Feed " Ok lets see whats going on in Roger Park. Ok, maybe I will go out to eat at Leonas nah I think its better to go to MorseL for fish and chips. Ok Occupy RP is talking about drone proof cities, cool that's where I'm moving too. Oh and local celebrity Gerald Farinas's father is continuing to bleed thats great. Ive lost my appetite"
Jeez, Jeff, let it go. You're being cruel.
Yeah Al its pretty normal to use the local News Site to Twitter about your private life and the condition of your father in the hospital.
This is more about DNAinfo.com, what is wrong with them?
Geez Al, do you have no opinions of what should be standard or acceptable behavior?
This is ridiculous.
This man deserves his privacy, this is a HIPPA violation. This makes me sad to see such behavior.
Another tweet by
GeraldFarinas "Mom said my brother is mad at me b/c he feels I've saddled him w/all responsibility by living far away."
Is this a news site or Days Of Our Lives or Keeping up with the Kardashians or Gerald Farinas? I'm confused.
Jeff you seem to be very confused. Maybe that happens when you try to be the the uninvited watch-dog for DNAinfo, for the Farinas family and for Twitter. If you were a professional health care provider or an insurer you would know that they, not family members, are subject to HIPAA violations (not spelled as HIPPA BTW). Please don't be so sad. I hope your confusion clears up.
Jeff you seem to be very confused. Maybe that happens when you try to be the the uninvited watch-dog for DNAinfo, for the Farinas family and for Twitter. If you were a professional health care provider or an insurer you would know that they, not family members, are subject to HIPAA violations (not spelled as HIPPA BTW). Please don't be so sad. I hope your confusion clears up.
Im not confused and Patricia you are correct about the Hippa violation. That still doesnt make it right though to broadcast your personal life on DNAinfo.com Twitter does it?
Why are we talking about someone's family member's condition in the hospital at all?
Is Gerald Farinas famous? Is this something we should know about?
And Yes Patricia I have the right to speak out against bullcrap that shouldn't be clogging up what is supposed to be a REAL news feed.
@ Patricia,
I didn't know I had to be invited to be a watch dog, doesn't that kind of not go hand in hand?
This isnt a Hippa violation, but it violates the spirit of the law, this is unwanted information.
What if everyone used the DNAinfo.com Twitter feed to publish their innermost thoughts and personal struggles?
"Hey my mom's in hospital blah blah blah."
"My family member is just about to die in hospice, see ya later peach out"
This trivializes what is a stressful tragic event and is inappropriate for public consumption. If this doesnt outrage you (the general public) well I guess Im just not that jaded or world weary.
Wow, Jeff. Can't believe you're continuing to attack this guy. Guess it's time for me to unsubscribe from your feed.
Also, you might want to stop trying to arm chair lawyer this, because I actually deal with occasional HIPAA compliance issues in my day job, and I have to say, you really don't know the law by the letter or the spirit.
Similarly, you seem lost about Twitter etiquette. There's nothing weird/broken/wrong about what this guy is doing. If the site wants to share public tweets by its participants, its free to do so. Sometimes those tweets will be off topic. Keep in mind, whatever you think you're accusing about here, you're actually doing the same thing to the guy far worse than they are, ensuring that later he's going to have to see you giving him shit about his father's illness publicly.
I am truly surprised that you don't realize that what you are doing is wrong and hurtful. I ask you again, please just leave this guy alone. Show some respect if you have it in you, and take both posts down.
I really can't believe I defended you to others previously. You're really, really over the line here, and it's starting to make me wonder about how you act in other scenarios.
Yeah Al
Twitter Etiquette involves letting everyone know about your family member's health in the hospital.
Cant believe you Al, outrageous.
AL said " you're actually doing the same thing to the guy far worse than they are, ensuring that later he's going to have to see you giving him shit about his father's illness publicly."
Al I don't give a hoot about this that's the point, so why is it on the Twitter Feed?
Al, he stepped over the line and so did DNAinfo.com that is the point. If a private citizen can't question what has become of our news sites I think we are all in trouble.
I will take these posts down if DNAinfo.com posts a public apology regarding these inappropriate information invading our local news feeds.
Sundae @ Leona's?
Fish and Chipss @ Morsel?
Oh and some inappropriate personal info about someone's condition in the hospital.
Being in the hospital is not a trivial matter than should be side by side as options for dinner.
Why is DNAinfo.com carrying Gerald Farinas' Twitter account then?
If they do carry his tweets effectively Gerald Farinas is publishing for DNAinfo.com
So this all arbitrary.
BUT! Gerald Farinas knows his twitter account makes it onto DNAinfo.com so therefore why broadcast personal infomation on it?
Lots of defensiveness; lots of justification; lots of rules nobody else seems to know about (and steps over the line) and lots of questions. Maybe DNAinfo and Farinas would have answers if asked questions by PMR. Indignation over your local news feed being "invaded"? Really? You were "invaded"? Me thinks a little too much protest is going on if you know what I mean by that.
Lots of defensiveness here; lots of justification; lots of rules nobody else seems to know about (and then "steps over the line") and lots of questions. Maybe DNAinfo and Farinas would have answers if asked these questions by PMR. Indignation over your local news feed being "invaded"? Really? Your feed was "invaded"? Me thinks a little too much protest is going on here if you know what I mean by that.
@ Patricia, no defensiveness here,
this is a conversation. Point, counterpoint and so on.
Well I guess I've been educated as to the role of Twitter Patricia, I was ignorant. Keeping up with Rogers Park nowadays I will just have to be keeping up with "Gerald Farinas, the Kardashian of Rogers Park" as well.
Yes Patricia there are lots of rules that should be followed, and in an arguement there are justifications for opinions. Really no one knows that you shouldn't broadcast your life for the whole neighborhood to peruse? Wow.
So what really is your position then Patricia?
I guess modern society has devolved into, Hey Im here at this bar, or Hey my family member is at the hospital is really important stuff for public consumption. Its not.
DNAinfo.com should either stop carrying Gerald's tweets or he should actually come up with important stuff to tweet and keep the line clear of personal info.
Latest tweet by GeraldFarinas "Going to #Hawaii last 2 weeks of April. I haven't been in the islands in 3 years!"
Well there is no law against having no common sense. You are never supposed to broadcast when you are going on vacation. Someone might case the place you live then.
Well I guess DNAinfo.com is the best source for news on Gerald Farinas' life. Thanks DNAinfo.com Now I know when Gerald is going on vacation.
Chevanston might become RP's first mega-blog if it is going to repost, reblog and retweet, all with proper attribution, hyper-local news, both wanted and unwanted. That's ground breaking.
Agreed Patrica :), but don't hold your breath. Its not going to happen.
Maybe he'll tweet what he had for breakfast?
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