Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blue Bin Delivery On Chase

Pace is Italian for peace on the rainbow flag

                The rumours are true. We are finally getting blue recycling trash bins in Rogers Park. These shots were taken this morning. This writer received his blue bin yesterday. A streets and sans truck double parked near the intersection of Paulina and Chase so that the bins could be delivered. The supervisor with the paperwork didn't want his photo taken (you can see him off in the distance) but this nice lady assented. The supervisor asked me what was up when the photographer was taking photos perhaps not knowing the historic import of this day. After explaining why the photographs were being taken he inquired as to where this writer lived and was happy that the blue bin had already been delivered.  The workers were putting the wheels together on the bins, writing the addresses on the top and placing the plastic bags with info on to the bins. On the other side of the street the blue bins were stacked four high.

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. It's a good day to finally have recycling. I do wonder why they dropped the cans in the front yards instead of the alleys, though.

    Anyway, let's hope this time we have something that works. And that Waste Management isn't running it again.

  2. Two Villages and ONE IDIOT.
    I will never ever use these bins.

  3. vick your getting real old fast. whats your problem with recycling? it's nice theres somewhere to put all my plastic soda bottles instead of throwin them on da curb.

  4. fall into one of them bins, Mike Vick? You got real quiet buddy.

  5. Oh, Stanley, maybe I'd better check the three blue bins that are still sitting out front on my block. Perhaps there's a body in of them. Wouldn't want it to still be there when it warms up.


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