Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Anonymous Comments Still Welcome Here

              There is an important role for anonymous comments. People are more apt to share their real opinions when not attached to their true face. They are also more apt to write extremely foolish comments. The point of this blog isn't to offend, fight, slight or piss off. It is here to question society when its needed, point out problems when no one else will and highlight the best of Rogers Park (and south Evanston) so there is a balanced view. And sometimes when you question the status quo you will offend. But sometimes the status quo needs to be questioned. We will allow people who post under their real name to comment here as well.

              2/20/13 6am Update - The Broken Heart of Rogers Park after proclaiming a ban on anonymous commenters is now only open to invited readers.

Original picture after jumpbreak.


  1. To the victor go the spoils. Nice work, buddy old pal. Keep it real and you'll keep being the top news blogger in good ole' goddamn Rogers Park. Just knowin' that negative nancy blog is pretty much a washed up ole' relic makes me wanna swear less. Keep writin' and we'll keep readin. Gosh darnit!

  2. Inactive user said
    "Craig has pulled this s$#% before. Who really f6e4ing cares at this point.

    Morse is s$%^& because we coddle criminals, malcontents and addicts. That's pretty much all we need to know."

    Yes its heavy handed to edit but better not to swear. ;0

  3. Without free speech there is no democracy. Some get it (like here), others don't (like washed-up-you-know-who). Keep on blogging Mr. Rogers. We like your neighborhood.

  4. I am a bona-fide invited reader of Hellhole the plugged got pulled on ME. What's up?

  5. The Broken Heart Blog has closed its doors. It happened once before in 2011.

    The funny thing is you can still see the last blog entry partially and the picture if you hop on over to the RP 1000 words blog.

  6. Craig had another temper tantrum after someone called him a bully for accusing an old lady of being a coward and posting her picture in his Hellhole. Now he's pouting and sulking with his puppies and won't come out and play. Wah wah wah.

  7. Well it's about time. The rants and the finger pointing was bad news. Our neighborhood was becoming famous for all the wrong reason. Sure we's got a ton a problems but there's gotta be a dang balance in the news otherwise the negative god darned energy just sucks everyone down.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Willy, dear, if this old lady catches you calling her an old lady again, she's going to pop you one. And you might try combing your hair before appearing in public.

    Stanley, so nice to see that your Tourette's has virtually disappeared. I was worried about you.

    Hello, Jeff. Perhaps we'll do battle here again. You've gone way overboard on the Twitter thing. No one else cares.

  10. @ Helen, Im not picking on the Twitter Feed anymore, I think it really is the best one in Rogers Park.

    Yes I did criticize it and I think it has improved. Some idle banter or foursquaring will go there, but personal info just doesnt go there.

    Sometimes people forget that you shouldnt broadcast EVERYTHING.

  11. I saw a real funny t-shirt downtown last summer that said:

    "What do we want? Tourettes Syndrome Research Funding!"

    "When do we want it? SH1T!!!"

    Nice ta see ya here Helen. Welcome back. If ya need to smack Willy, I'd be happy to hold him down for ya. Might have to give him a bath and a hair comb too cuz it looks like he's been on a gosh darn bender again.

  12. Alright! We finally got us a good local blog spot again with real news what no one else is gonna find aside of Rogers the Man. Way to go Bro. Let that old snake pit stay shut down forever. Who needs that junk anyways. That Ward 8 looks good.

  13. OMG by the way really cool picture Mr. Rogers!!!

  14. Mr. Rogers, the implication of one of your comments above finally hit me so I went to 1000 Words. Does this mean my face stays there forever? @$#&^!*%*

    Stanley, you welcomed me back but I hadn't been here before. Do I know you from someplace else with a different name? I appreciate the offer of help in holding Willy down, and I agree he probably needs a bath but I think I've heard someone else specializes in that. I'll smack; she can wash.

  15. @Helen we should pester Bill Morton to just take that feed down of his site, thats all it would take.

    Stanley you are looking a bit more sane these days. I think the time in treatment did the trick.

  16. Yep, Lloyd. I'm feeling pretty good these days. Haven't had a gosh darn drop of whiskey in almost 3 days. I'm excited for the upcoming fish and goose soirée.

  17. Glad you feeling good Stanley. Willy and me ain't been feeling quite right since we got out of that hospital. Everything is so slow all the time.

  18. I really think it is true that without a "big bad" like Everyblock some local bloggers have nothing to complain about.
    Maybe when Patch makes its way to Rogers Park things will heat up again.

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  20. fadds said...
    "Today, I visit your website and after reading your blog i realize that it is very informative. I'm highly impressed to see the comprehensive resources being offered by your site. animal hospital vancouver wa"

    Blog spam, not sure where that link goes to fadds, very generic comment as well.

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