Saturday, January 12, 2013

Howard Streetscape Update (Part Four)

All of these photos were taken 1-9-13



                   This last part of the streetscape is the roughest part of Howard. The shopkeeper to the right standing outside of US Dollar told me that the streetlights are supposed to go up sometime in February. While speaking with him I observed that a group of youths were hiding out in various stores on the north side of Howard and then trying to loiter at Howard and Marshfield or Howard and Paulina. We can see that alot of the construction horses have been knocked down when they are supposed to standing up and protecting pedestrians from the steel posts where the light poles will attach. This writer took the liberty of righting them so as to try to keep the general public safe.The next part of the post will show the chronic loitering on Howard and the police response. And also it will be revealed who watches over this part of Howard. Remember the Lion keeps watch over Howard/Greenview/Rogers......

The devil watches over this stretch of Howard.

Loitering at Howard & Paulina

Loitering at Howard & Marshfield

Cops come by to move the loiterers on their way. 

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