Friday, January 11, 2013

Ghost Comic Book Shop - Evil Squirrel Comics

            Evil Squirrel was first located at 1406 w Estes in 2006 until is moved to Glenwood in 2007. Evil Squirrel Comics the physical store 6928 N Glenwood closed this past June in 2012. The store had almost universal rave reviews on Yelp scoring 4's and 5's. The story of the comic shop's closing was covered by B. Woodard at his former rag Rogers Park News. (Incidentally Rogers Park News lasted about a year, 10/2011 to 10/2012.) The online store was headquartered at the above location temporarily until they were going to reopen nearby on  Glenwood. The online store's web address was as advertised on the Facebook page.

           From an email that was sent out this past July to several neighbors it looked as is the the Evil Squirrel was coming back. "The squirrel is out of the bag. Evil Squirrel Corporation will have a new Head Quarters this fall. Located a block south of the old location the new HQ will be located at 6858 N. Glenwood (on Glenwood between Farwell and Pratt). If you walk by there now it doesn't look like much; we're in the process of destroying and will get to the rebuild in the next week or so. Accompanying Evil Squirrel Comics will be a set of art studios and galleries. More to come later....." 

            Murmurs on the local neighborhood gossip site Everyblock were that things weren't looking good for the squirrel this past fall. The last post on the Facebook page of Evil Squirrel was September 12th.  The fact that Evil Squirrel is not coming back either online or as a physical store was confirmed 1/9/13 when this writer ran into  former business owner walking his dog on Glenwood. We wish Shawn King well and hope that someday Rogers Park earns the right to once again have its own comic book shop. Here is a great interview in the Loyola Phoenix with Shawn King. Another article here from Northwestern. And here is a video from a WGN news segment.

         For now Rogers Parkers have Third Coast Comics just south of Devon avenue at 6234 N. Broadway to get their comics fix. The owner Terry Midnight is a regular poster on Everyblock Rogers Park. 

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