Monday, January 7, 2013

Amended Death Certificate Of Lottery Winner - Cyanide Poisoning

              Urooj Khan's (of West Rogers Park) death certificate first read - atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Now it reads cyanide poisoning & cause of death unnatural causes aka murder. 

The lab test comes back positive for cyanide.
2012 timeline.

June 26th - Lotto win.

July 19th -  Lotto check issued

July 20th -  Unexpected death

Few days after death, family shares their suspicions

Early September - Screening test from decedent reveals cyanide

Late November - Deadly levels of cyanide found in decedent

Pathophysiology of cyanide poisoning -

1 comment:

  1. It was christians who killed our brother to steal his money. We will prove it with evidence. They paid hindus to do it.


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