Wednesday, January 23, 2013

7044 N. Clark Managed By Receiver Since November

            "S H O R T S A L E Seven Apartments And Two Stores Tenants Pays Heat And Electric Subject To Lender Approval " reads the listing for 7044 N Clark on Dreamtown's site. The Rogers Park Metra station is just down the street from this large handsome victorian commercial building. One store front on Greenleaf and one on Clark street. Great location. Lots of foot traffic on Clark & right by rapid transit. Hopefully someone with deep pockets buys it, fixes it up and gets some decent retail in. The vintage features are many -the fire escape, weird fenced in side entrance, the old fashioned below ground entryway, and the minaret turret (so many of these have bitten the dust.) The real estate listing from Dreamtown is lackluster as most short sales are and provides only one uninspired view.  The most important photograph for this listing would be that of the building with the Metra train and station in the background.

The red letter in the window below the Kizza's Unisex Salon sign reads as follows.

" November 13, 2012

Notice of court action regarding property 7044 N Clark in Chicago Il 60626

These premises are the subject of a foreclosure action in the circuit court of Cook County Bank Financial FSB v. 7044 N Clark LLC Case number 12CH 35700

Dear Currrent Residents

As you may be aware your building is currently subject to a foreclosure action the judge presiding over the action deemed it appropriate to appoint a receiver to operate the building while the case is preceding. As such on November 8, 2012 I Jeff Cagan was appointed by the court to act as a receiver for your building/property with this appointment there is a change of control of your building as I am now authorized by the court to operate the building/property.

In order to properly operate and maintain the building I have engaged the services of Cagan Management Inc. to manage the building You should direct all building inquiries, maintenance requests and rent payments to them. Cagan Mangagment is distributing a welcome package with their contact information and instructions for payment of the rent. If you have not received this information please call the number below. As the month of November is approaching we remind you that rent is expected per your lease agreement. Check or money orders should be made payable to 7044 N Clark St Building going forward.

Furthermore we advise to disregard any request of compensation or documentation from previous owners as they are unauthorized by the court to distribute such material at this time. Finally this is not a notice to vacate the premises. You may wish to contact a lawyer or legal aid or housing counselor to discuss any rights  you may have.

I appreciate your cooperation with this matter and transition. If you have any questions please contact me at

Sincerely Jeff Cagan court appointed receiver
3856 Oakton st.
Skokie Il 60076"

For more pictures please continue reading.

Commercial on Greenleaf.
For rent, if interested call Cagan management

Fire escape made in the USA


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