Sunday, December 9, 2012

Van Versus Traffic Circle

Northshore & Ashland

                 If you are wondering why the traffic calming circle at North Shore and Ashland is a mess, this is why.This picture was taken at approximately 8:15 am this morning (12/9/12). Figured this would've been posted to the village messageboard already. Passersby informed me that this crash occurred sometime between 5:30 and 6 am. Also the driver was found passed out east of the intersection on someone's parkway(drunk of course). You can see the ambulance in the distance.


  1. Excellent photo. I heard about this on the scanner but didn't want to get out of bed to cover it. Dispatch was requesting private tow companies over the radio as they had no police tow vehicles available.

  2. It kinda looks like the van laid an egg or something. It was definitely stuck and bottomed out. Funny thing to come upon in the morning.

    Glad no one was hurt, that's one unexpected bonus to these traffic circles, they take out drunk drivers before they do some real damage.

  3. Bro this is the number one RP blog any more. I read it every day in the afternoon when I wake up before I go to work.

  4. I love this blog. Really has the top stories and seriously I love it!

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