Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Old Ho has seen better days. 7318 N Rogers.

The Ho Tavern (2010).
(courtesy of the Literate Bar Fly)

           The literate barfly is a strange blog where the old picture of The Ho was found, the blogger was saddened by its closure.  "R.I.P 19?? - October 11th, 2010 Thanks for the memories, old girl. You'll be missed." Amazing how decrepit a place can look after just two years after its closing. The facade was held together by little more than chewing gum and baling wire it appears. Only one review on yelp from Mitch S. before it closed "I'm tentative to write a review of this place because it is so effing awesome.I guarantee, The Ho will change your life.  That is all I have to say." There is a blank facebook page for The Ho as well.

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