Thursday, December 27, 2012

Rogers Park In Curbed Finals.

         13th seed Rogers Park makes it to the finals of Curbed Chicago's neighborhood of the year for 2012. Rogers Park won with 53.6 percent of the vote, total votes cast 1827, by far the most cast in this contest so far. Rogers Park will be facing the winner of the Andersonville and Avondale contest. Andersonville is a business district and a Chamber of Commerce so it shouldn't even be in this neighborhood of the year poll. As of 2pm CST Avondale has 51 percent of the vote, with 627 votes cast. We may be facing Avondale in the Finals. Rogers Park is the ultimate under dog and surprised the West Loop with its denizens' devotion and dedication. Thanks for all the votes neighbors!


  1. It's gotta be Avondale! My little prodigy, Timmy, lives there.

  2. I agree Craig. I voted for Avondale as well since its a true neighborhood and the home of Broken Heart's previous Sullivan reporter Timmy.

  3. Little Timmy is a budding Gernhardt if ever we saw one. It's written all over his blogging style. What a great daily weather report that kid writes. I bet he doesn't even take a dump without his little scanner and notepad. Craig did a great job training Timmy. Some day he even might become a DNAinfo intern.


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