Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Howard EL Station - Beware of the man in the booth.

          This photo spread from the Chicago News Bench in 2009 looks like something out of the Bourne Identity.(Note inside the red box is where the (you) double agent will meet our CIA operative for the hand off.Do not, I repeat, DO NOT speak to the man in the booth, HE WILL HARASS you.) In order to be completely prepared you must continue reading below (should you decide to accept this mission).

This is a dangerous place as has been pointed
out in the previous debriefing, please take
all necessary precautions, the locals cannot be trusted.

After the hand off this is where you will wait for the
Purple Line Express, do not head downstairs
before this train enters the yard.

You will not have to worry about
security cameras or surveillance unlike the
last mission at the Loyola station.

The following photos will help you get the lay of the land, its important to remember
that the Dominicks grocery store is not visible from the Howard Station or vice-versa.
Other agents have fallen into the that trap before, looks can be deceiving.

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