Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fire Hydrant Of The Year (and of Beat 2431).

Photo - Copyright Applejack Industries.
            This hydrant which is of the standard red flanged variety resides on Morse by the Lake. The plain red flange means its connected to an eight inch water main. The red is an eye popping Safety Red #7564 manufactured by Rust-Oleum. This was posted to the Village Message Board July 15th 2012. This photograph captures the first place win which was a landslide victory in the first annual Rogers Park Fire Hydrant Beauty Contest this past summer. Applejack reported on this event "this Fire Hydrant wins first prize as the most beautiful, talented, congenial and "sexy" Fire Hydrant in East Rogers Park, currently residing in Beat 2431. Not being able to find original records or certificates, the judges exclaimed"Almost as beautiful and radiant as the day of birth." " Please visit the Village Message Board (Everyblock) for full coverage.

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