Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fargo and Ashland Gang Graffiti Removed by Graffiti Blasters.

12/7 in the morning
After Graffiti Blasters 
removed graffiti 
night of 12/6

Early December 2012.

Graffiti Blasters to the rescue in December 2012, traveling down Western northbound headed toward Lawrence.


  1. Update from L. Dostal

    "I spoke with a neighbor this morning (Dec 7) who says that the building (sw corner Fargo/Ashland) is in foreclosure - the old janitor is still picking up trash and doing maintenance work. The building is maybe 25-30% vacant - a significant number of tenants are long term residents - and that one known drug dealer is living at that address. She has been speaking with 24th District Tac officers."

    I dont know who this old janitor is that you speak of, but I have been picking up alot of trash on that corner. I know who owns the building and haven't heard about it being in foreclosure.

  2. LegalDiva - The address at the sw corner of Fargo/Ashland is 7416-26 N Ashland - the last known owner is Gus Domenich. Good luck on finding the bank/receiver.


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