Sunday, December 30, 2012

Chase Ave "L" Underpass Badly Tagged

Taken 12/29/12

          Graffiti vandals are drawn to neglected, rundown areas. Once the vandalism is allowed to fester it spreads. This is the worst collection of graffiti that has been allowed to accumulate in Rogers Park for sometime. Why doesn't Chicago have a Graffiti Trackers program? Do these offenders fear capture or punishment? How many times do they tag their graffiti and over and over? How much money is this costing the average taxpayer?

           All important and unanswered questions. To review previous articles on neighborhood graffiti and also what the Graffiti Tracker programs can do to help with this problem check here. It is always important to remove graffiti immediately yourself (if feasible) or report it to 311. In the mean time the vandals doing this should be caught and made to pay for their crimes, but there is no real program in place to accomplish this. Will such a system ever be put into play? Time will tell of course but this viaduct should
 get some TLC and be on the short list for a new mural.

Emails to report graffiti

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