Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mind Crusher's New Neon Sign

Hey nice post Kevin, for real.  Good luck with your surgery. We all have personal issues going on. But I live here in Rogers Park and I am 100 percent vested here and when your stickers started showing up all over Rogers Park I just didnt know what the HELL was going on. And here I had a phone number I could call and maybe someone could help me. Instead I got blown off and that made me mad. I'm glad you stopped handing out the stickers, but those stickers do not biodegrade and disappear into thin air of their own accord. I think it would be a cool Public Relations event to have your employees out in and about Rogers Park and give a reward to whoever pulls down the most stickers. Its really quite easy, has anyone tried taking them down? Very easy.

            Excerpt from Kevin's Post on Everyblock " you know someone smashed my car winshield (sic) out and stole my sons tv and my radar detector. The windows cost $360 each not a big deal but the brick in my sons car seat is what upset me. I have surgery on the 19th and i am trying to buy my first house. I just feel like even though Jeff is doing a good thing about trash and stickers and other stuff. the words he is using isnt the ones i would choose"

            RESPONSE - Bringing all these very personal issues out into the open is very unprofessional. This has nothing to do with all that stuff you mention.This has nothing to do with anyone smashing anyone's car window or stealing anyone's television or radar detector. All the community wants is for a business to step up to the plate and help clean up the mess. Apparently that's just too much to ask for.


  1. You want me to have my guys go clean street sinze of stuff they didnt do for a prize?? you really have no idea how a tattoo shop works. Each artist rents the space for 50% of there earning. They also pay for their own supplies. They also have family and taking time off to clean some punks sticker. ( Because its isnt our sticker when they leave the building with it) We dont have the time or the money to do this my rent is well over $4000.00 a month including my house rent. So if you want to pay me to a take a day off i will gladly come help you clean up stickers be aware i charge $125 a hour at the shop! I understand you didnt know you where on speaker phone and you just assume cursing me out seemed like the right thing to do. The fact that you called me a little a**hole was my favorite i am like 6'4 280 lbs. Little is one thing i have never been. I am the 2nd smallest person in my family. But Jeff i forgive you. You are Jeff right sos #511 72 xxxx Born 02/1959. old number 847 475 7814 and 2 addresses 1331 w Loyola apt 311 and 6616 n Gleenwood av apt #2?

  2. What does personal information have to do with this? I dont want to know the personal details of your life.

    i was angry on this phone call back in may or june, and you are trying to recall what was said? Thats hilarious. This also has nothing to do with name calling. I was simply an irate citizen calling up a local business and I was blown off and then I was upset, end of story.

  3. Needless to say this is the end of the story, except that I will be fixing the Rogers EL Viaduct.

    I know where you stand Kevin and you know where alot of the community stands. I call a truce, live and let live.

  4. And btw why are you looking up random Jeff's on the internet? Have I tried to list your SS number? No, because thats ridiculous, this all has to do with the PUBLIC REALM.


  6. A lot of the community stands with Kevin, not with you.

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  8. "Kosal Da said...
    Hey speaking of neon signs, do you happen to know of a good sign company in Chicago? Thanks"

    Hey Kosal Da

    you are a bit late to the conversation, like how about 2-3 months late, plus that link put in the sign company, looks a bit suspicious. So the answer is no, dont know of any good sign company.

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