Sunday, November 4, 2012

Jarvis Square your Kiosk has seen Better Days.

A Brief History of Rogers Park
Courtesy of WR/RP Historical Society
 Kiosk  has a special streetlight!

Two Pictures are indecipherable,
one a picture of the
Birch Forest and another of the train station
previously at Jarvis
This green metal Kiosk was installed during
the reign of Richard M Daley, so it was
 installed in the eighties. Its still in great shape
EXCEPT for the wooden print (which is
atleast readable). The wooden print/
painting is faded but atleast it reminds
you that you are in Rogers Park.
I would often ponder on who
this mystery man was walking down
the street and where and when it was.
The other side has VERY Faded paper
behind plastic. This would be VERY
cheap to replace and the new mayor
of our city RAHM could rededicate it
and put his potrait and signature on it.
I think a perfect time for this would be
sometime in the springtime after the
new Jarvis EL station is open and rededicated.
Bleached by the sun the Kiosk appears Blank.
The man walking on the closeup on the West Face of the Kiosk
 is indeed walking on Farwell Pier in the 1920s!!!
No Lighthouse and there were benches.

An ancient ruler from a time long time since past, Richard M Daley..... Interesting


  1. I didn't even know there is a Jarvis Square kiosk. Thank you for this information. Perhaps the Rogers Park Garden Group could make this kiosk's renovation one of their projects.

  2. @ Allison,
    I think its just a matter of the Aldermans Office working together with Perhaps the WR/RP Historical Society and really either Print up a new poster for the one side (it does unscrew) and make a new Wooden or Metal Poster for the other side. Everything else is intact. I will go by at night and make sure the Kiosk's Special Light is still working.

    (jeffo) aka PMR.

  3. I called the aldermans office today and let them know my concerns about this Kiosk. Next I will make a call to the WR/RP Historical Society.

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