Monday, November 12, 2012

Everyblock 3.0 current "Civil Edition" began late August 2012

 EveryBlock founder Adrian Holovaty announced he was leaving the company in late August."

                    "From brand perspective, I’d like for users to view EveryBlock as a civil place for discussion, and that’s something we’re trying to try to steer participants toward on the site."

Rogers Park, Morse circa November 2012.
                       Yes Everyblock did steer people to either being "civil" or off  site. After reading this article people no longer on Everyblock will see why what happened these past few months happened.  Its a brave new world, less people are actually reading papers or magazines or even online editions of these. People just go to Everyblock and say hey what about this and what about that. And the general community will feed little tidbits in there and that's how people are getting their local news. As an anonymous poster here has mentioned Everyblock is also becoming like a local craigslist as well where people are looking for items like used kitty litter boxes. (/)  Everyblock nowadays is a place where you will get an idea of events to further explore, and as for interesting discussions, its not allowed, since now its a "civil" place.


  1. Everyblock is like a bunch of 6th graders putting their version of Craig's List on the internet. Lost dogs, cheap dentists, free bugless mattresses, sick cat benefit funds, real estate purchase advice. Brain dead.

  2. @anon 1:48 am, you forgot people looking for used cat litter boxes too! Yes brain dead indeed. People looking for jobs too. Yes I need a job, I think I will find one through everyblock!!!!

  3. If you hate everyblock so much and you think it's so stupid, why do you read it every single day and write articles about it and copy stories from it? It's not any more stupid or mundane than a damn picture AND article about scaffolding! I tried giving you and your blog a chance, but so far, every time i've come here, all you have to say is shit about everyblock. all your content is either mindless, irrelevant drivel, or stories and posts and comments copied from everyblock. Seriously, why don't you stop bitching and whining about it already?

  4. @anon 6:31pm,
    I appreciate your feedback and I will take it to heart and incorporate it into this blog from this day forward. ;)

    I certainly didnt found this blog as a way to JUST report on Anyblock. But it may happen from time to time, because like or not, it is the dominant site for our neighborhood.

    Some people find stories and pictures about buildings boring, I happen to not fall into that category however. There is nothing boring about the Farcroft. Perhaps there is something boring about you anon. This blog was NOT made for you then. Thanks for your input anyways.

  5. The reason we are all so interested is that Everyblock has a lot of advertising, like on El trains, and people flock there to get neighborhood news.
    With the nazi moderation policies, people do not get the news that they need, just candy-coated bullshit and the "get along gang" which is nothing like real life.
    If you don't like the contents of a blog, don't go there.
    I disable comments on mine because I know there are people who want to defend the losers I spotlight from time to time, you can just look at it and rage or don't.

  6. I like that DUI, the get along gang. Yes its quite smarmy. I do find your blog interesting DUI.

    I can tell that some of the new entities on Everyblock are total bull and they are really laying it on thick with the B.S. and are towing the E.B. line tongue in cheek.

  7. I'm pretty much just venting, I'll try to broaden my interests past Thresholds scumbags and bums, but there are stories people aren't getting because those types of guys are scary to them.


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