Monday, November 5, 2012

Columbia Viaduct Mind Crushed.

             One can see why Mind Crusher Tattoo isn't winning awards for business of the year. Mind Crusher didn't lift a finger to fix the sign vandalism caused by their own stickers right by their business on Clark (after they were told about it). They drew a chalk advertisement on the Rogers Ave viaduct. Now the Columbia Viaduct just got mind crushed. How many years will it take for this magical amount of two hundred stickers "stolen" to finally elapse? Time will tell. Whats worse? One angry phone call from a concerned citizen or seemingly endless sign vandalism? Who has the vendetta? Right now it appears that Mind Crusher Tattoo has a vendetta against Rogers Park. And yes if someone drives by right now you will see that this has been dealt with and it was fixed very easily this morning. All it took was just a pocketknife to get beneath the sticker and off it comes.


  1. We can see that the City of Chicago incorrectly dealt with the Graffiti on the no parking signs and PAINTED over them. Signs FOR THE MOST PART should NEVER be painted. There are exceptions from the past that I will repost.

  2. Also how many stickers have a phone number on it? Vandalism stickers especially, its a natural to give someone an irate phone call if you are very pleasantly brushed off by the business as if everything is okay and was warned to expect more stickers.

  3. Hey ChipBagg nice to see your alive! I think I saw your brother Cheetos blowing in the wind yesterday, he told me to say hi.

  4. So, Jeff, now you're posting on your own site as "Philip McGregor Rogers" (the name you use on Craig's site)?

    You are an odd little man.

  5. Steven on Everyblock reports
    "Jeff, you already got kicked out of here for starting this EXACT same argument. Why on earth would you try to do it again? You're the only one holding this grudge."

    Incorrect, I am not Kent, I am Philip Rogers and the founding father of Rogers Park was unceremoniously kicked off of everyblock and there I shall stay NEVER to return. Tis not a grudge, just an observation. If SOMETHING was done to mediate the sticker situation then I wouldnt be pointing it out and we would be working together to rectify the situation, but the apathy of the business just doesnt sit well with the people in the community.

  6. Also Mindcrusher could do some community service to help make up for this by remediating some sign vandalism. Thats what drives me nuts, no personal responsibility, nah its not my fault, who cares, whats your problem. Not very becoming behavior from a neigbhorhood business.

    Mindcrusher could also show some solidarty and remove the stickers ON their store. Thats just my opinion. There is an aesthetic out there that thinks grungy messy vandalism looks cool, this is true with gangbangers, skaters and some tattoo places. So the lackluster and unfriendly response is not a big surprise. But it is sad. This isnt everyblock and thats why you guys arent commenting on here, the EB moderators dont have your back here and I can say what I feel, if no one reads it I dont care. I will keep on reporting on important READ or UNREAD.

  7. oops I will keep on reporting on important ISSUES,

  8. Aaargh, I wonder if the "sticker thieves" are getting free tattoos for doing all the advertising. Har, har, har.

  9. This is just hilarious! So, you basically started a blog, but have nothing to write of your own, so you're stealing it from the site that kicked you off? LOLOL!!! And don't say that this "business just doesn't sit well with the people in the community". You're the only freak who's obsessing about this. There are currently 9 comments on this page, 6 of which are from you, and the other 3 don't even address the vandalism as an issue, so obviously, the community doesn't give a shit. There's seriously something wrong with you, dude.


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