Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New CTA Substation @ Farwell & Glenwood Eastside.

          This substation is going up on the south side of Farwell just east of the EL tracks. Here are the links here and here for the other views. Right now this is where neighbors complain about mattresses or large items of garbage being discarded. Well it wont be a problem any longer and it will help may the EL go faster. A win win. "The CTA will demolish the retaining wall east of the track between Pratt and Farwell and build the substation and new wall. The new substation will rise about 35 feet as measured from the street, Alderman Moore reports. "


  1. I am the blogmaster's sock puppet and I am commanding you to comment on this blog or I will be forced to converse with myself in a most outrageous fasion!!!!

  2. Dont tell me what to do!!! If I dont want to comment on this site and about this SUPER boring substation then I wont!!!! So There.

  3. Well it looks like the address on the schematic is 1401 w Farwell
    which would technically put the substation WEST of the tracks.
    Well it will be interesting to watch this baby get built.
    They build cta substations everyday.

  4. I mean they DONT build cta substations everday.


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