Saturday, October 20, 2012

Boundaries of Previous Village of South Evanston?

"Evanston grew by annexing North Evanston in 1874, and South Evanston in 1892, and resisted an attempt to be annexed to Chicago in 1904. The Daily News account of the 1892 vote suggests that, in addition to material questions of taxation and provision of municipal services, local and class identities may have entered into voters' decision-making. Many students at Northwestern University opposed annexation, fearing that Evanston's growth would dilute its identity as a college town. "Voting on Annexation," Chicago Daily News, 20 February 1892."


  1. South Evnaston was "Organized in 1869 until its annexation to the Village of Evanston in 1892, later that year the combined villages were incorporated as a city."

    South Evanston
    The Village of South Evanston was the area from Howard Street on the south to Greenwood Street on the north and Lake Michigan on the east to Florence Avenue on the west.
    Here are some South Evanston facts:
    1868 - platted
    November 16, 1872 - petition for village incorporation
    January 4, 1873 - Election for village incorporation - organized as a village
    February 1873 - Election for trustees
    Februasry 20, 1892 - Annexed to Evanston.

    RPWR Historical Society had the answer!!!

  2. Okay so Greenwood to the North was the Border, Whole Foods IS in South Evanston.
    Greenwood is JUST north of Dempster. So I will keep my blog to stuff on this street and to the south. Florence used to the west border I see.


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